Viewing entries tagged
toothbrush wear

5 Bad Habits Of Highly Effective Tooth Damage


5 Bad Habits Of Highly Effective Tooth Damage

Stop biting your nails! You’ve heard that from grandma before, but not only was she trying to keep you from putting your dirty fingernails in your mouth, she may have also been trying to save your teeth! But was she correct? Here are some of the things that can affect your teeth that you may not have even thought about.  


Are Brushing Habits Learned as a Child Wearing Away Your Enamel?


Are Brushing Habits Learned as a Child Wearing Away Your Enamel?

Back’n’forth, back’n’forth – scrubba’ scrubba’ scrubba! Get those teeth clean! Yes, get ‘em clean … but, if your child’s method of brushing more resembles a lumberjack sawing trees in half than it does a gentle massage, they might be in for a lifetime of sensitive teeth, bonding treatments and receding gums. With this in mind, we thought we’d offer our top five tips for avoiding enamel loss when brushing...