An Update on the Use of Antibiotics Before Your Dental Visit

An Update on the Use of Antibiotics Before Your Dental Visit

I have come across a recent statement from the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) that reverses many years of thinking regarding the use of antibiotics prior to a dental visit. The ADA has analyzed years of data and concluded that there is very little evidence that a visit to the dentist increases the risk for septicemia (blood infection)...

My dentist says I need a Root Canal! What does that mean?


My dentist says I need a Root Canal! What does that mean?

Every tooth has a root canal. That is the name of the tiny canal that runs through the center of each tooth's root. This "tube" houses the pulp, which is the soft tissue inside of the tooth that includes nerves and blood vessels. When there is a problem with the pulp, your dentist will perform endodontic treatment, otherwise known as root canal therapy (RCT)...


Are antibiotics necessary? 4 Reasons to think twice.

Are antibiotics necessary? 4 Reasons to think twice.

Premedication with antibiotics prior to dental visits can be an important part of your healthcare process, but the ever-changing, and sometimes confusing, guidelines often lead to a lot of questions and concerns in our office. Sometimes it's a touchy subject... 

Do I really need to brush my tongue? Here are 3 reasons it's a good idea.

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Do I really need to brush my tongue? Here are 3 reasons it's a good idea.

Some of you have heard your dentists at CrossKeys Dental tell you that you should be brushing your tongue when you brush your teeth, but why is that? Isn't the TOOTH brush made to clean TEETH? What could possibly be sticking to my tongue, cheeks and gums that will cause trouble? The answer, unfortunately, is "you don't even want to know!"  Here are 3 reasons to spend a few extra seconds on the soft tissues inside your mouth...

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5 Reasons That Professional Teeth Whitening is a Better Option

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5 Reasons That Professional Teeth Whitening is a Better Option

Many people are looking for that “Hollywood Smile”, and we’ve found that “Teeth Whitening” is one of the terms most commonly searched for on Google when it comes to dentistry. There are so many products of different quality and cost on the market and it can be confusing. The professionals at CrossKeys Dental can help you safely brighten your smile by many shades in just a few days. Here are 5 reasons that professional whitening is the right choice for your smile...

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Why Does My Dentist Shake My Cheek? The Painless Injection Technique.

Why Does My Dentist Shake My Cheek? The Painless Injection Technique.

At CrossKeys Dental we realize that one of the most common causes of anxiety in the dentist’s office is the process of getting numb. Comfort is the most important goal in my chair, and keeping the patient from feeling the work is at the top of the list, but the tools we use to keep you comfortable may make you feel uneasy.  In fact, I’ll try not to use the “N” word in this article as it might make a few of you shudder…

Doesn't everyone eventually loose their teeth?

Doesn't everyone eventually loose their teeth?

If you've ever considered the prospect of living without teeth as you age, it's probably caused you considerable amount of distress just thinking about it. Multiple tooth loss can indeed be traumatic and costly, and, for some, the remedies are less than ideal. That said, you'll be pleased to know that aging itself isn't much of a contributor to tooth loss, and that many people live their entire lives with nearly all of their natural teeth intact. So what's the best way to ensure you're among this coveted group?...